joinmeta - controlling the type-1 error in multiverse meta-analysis
1 Department of Developmental and Social Psychology, University of Padova
2 Institute for Statistics, University of Bremen
3 Department of Statistics, University of Padova
As example, we used the dataset by Daros et al. (2021) with a multivariate meta-analysis of RCTs designs with multiple measure for the same outcome. We considered a total of 162 plausible scenarios.
We simulated a plausible multiverse sampling from a multivariate normal distribution with a vector of means (i.e., the meta-analysis results) and a variance-covariance matrix for the relationship between different scenarios.
The multiverse is a associated with an overall p-value \(< 0.001\), an average effect of \(0.403\) (\(SD = 0.112\)) and an average correlation of \(0.620\) (\(SD = 0.102\)).
packagejoinmeta - controlling the type-1 error in multiverse meta-analysis